The Effort to Disarm American Citizens Threatens Us All
The Second Amendment may be our salvation.
Of all the disgusting narcissistic creatures poncing around the political scene in the West, Gavin Newsom, the so-called governor of California, is among the most egregious. What you see is all there is. Rodomontade, lies and retailing wickedness.
So it is no surprise to see him trying to do a Richard Murdoch/Russell Brand number on U.S. Judge Roger T. Benitez, trying to label him as “an extremist, right-wing zealot with no regard to [sic] human life.” This because the judge has ruled that a measure limiting the size of gun magazines is in conflict with the US Constitution.
In considering this I found that a reading of the Order that pissed off Newsom and his fellow tyrants is instructive, and I attach a link to a copy here. As Brits the truly violent nature of US society is something we don’t experience, yet. And if you think it arises from the fact that people are able to defend themselves when their homes are invaded you are dreaming. What we are looking at here is part of the long effort by the parasites who are sucking the life out of America to reduce the population to an obedient and helpless mass.
I believe that when the general uprising of righteous anger starts, as is coming closer by the day, it will be the American people who lead the way, bringing the weaponry they hold for defense of their families and their homes to confront the Satanic. Newsom and his cohorts well understand that. We here in the UK are in many ways as deeply threatened by our own government and our traitor institutions, and it is time to understand that all our lives are about to change forever.
The Quiet Man, and his guide, Nemesis, is stirring. We have the greatest of threats and the greatest of opportunities to face. We must embrace the future or get eradicated by it, for the latter is the aim of our Enemy.